Неплохие идеи для самодельного увеличения функционала своего токарного станка
Good ideas for a homemade increase in the functionality of your lathe
Ссылки на первоисточники:
1. • Phục hồi đầu cốt đạp bị tuôn răng trê...
2. • Video
3. • Ball turning device II
4. • Eureka
5. • machining oil grooves
6. • Cutting a Keyway or Spline in the lat...
7. • Homemade Lathe Mounted Die Filer
Watch video Интересные самодельные оснастки для токарного станка /|\ Interesting homemade lathe accessories online, duration hours minute second in high quality that is uploaded to the channel Kulebyakin Joe 27 March 2021. Share the link to the video on social media so that your subscribers and friends will also watch this video. This video clip has been viewed 97,906 times and liked it 1.2 thousand visitors.