The pronunciation of the word stocks in Amercian accent is demonstrated in this video. If the word is from another language, such as brand name, it will be pronounced in its original language. Based on the word frequency, this is of 2 stars difficulty.
The word stocks has the following meanings:
1. (noun)
Definition : The goods or merchandise kept on the premises of a shop or warehouse and available for sale or distribution.
Example : the store has a very low turnover of stock
2. (noun)
Definition : The capital raised by a company or corporation through the issue and subscription of shares.
Example : between 1982 and 1986 the value of the company's stock rose by 86%
3. (noun)
Definition : Liquid made by cooking bones, meat, fish, or vegetables slowly in water, used as a basis for the preparation of soup, gravy, or sauces.
Example : a pint of chicken stock
4. (adjective)
Definition : (of a product or type of product) usually kept in stock and thus regularly available for sale.
Example : 25 per cent off stock items
5. (adjective)
Definition : (of a phrase or expression) so regularly used as to be automatic or hackneyed.
Example : she faltered momentarily and then resorted to the teenager's favourite stock response ‘whatever’
6. (verb)
Definition : Have or keep a supply of (a particular product or type or product) available for sale.
Example : most supermarkets now stock a range of organic produce
7. (verb)
Definition : Fit (a rifle or other firearm) with a stock.
Example : it was a fine gun which he forged, stocked, and completed himself
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