Lamb of God, anointed One 🙌

Published: 28 August 2024
on channel: Gateway Worship

We’re so excited that "Quién Más" (Who Else) is now available in Spanish! 🖤 This song has been a powerful anthem in our house, and it’s an absolute joy to see it resonate with our Spanish-speaking community. "Who Else" has deeply touched hearts in our church and churches around the world, and now, hearing it lifted up in Spanish is simply incredible. If you haven’t already, we invite you to listen to “Quién Más" and join us in worship today! 🙌

¡Estamos muy emocionados de que "Quién Más" (Who Else) ya esté disponible en español! 🖤 Esta canción ha sido un himno poderoso en nuestra casa, y es una alegría absoluta ver cómo resuena en nuestra comunidad hispanohablante. "Who Else" ha tocado profundamente los corazones en nuestra iglesia y en iglesias alrededor del mundo, y ahora escucharla elevarse en español es simplemente increíble. Si aún no lo has hecho, te invitamos a escuchar Quién Más" y unirte a nosotros en adoración 🙌

Watch video Lamb of God, anointed One 🙌 online, duration hours minute second in high quality that is uploaded to the channel Gateway Worship 28 August 2024. Share the link to the video on social media so that your subscribers and friends will also watch this video. This video clip has been viewed 7,129 times and liked it 874 visitors.