Versatile actors Vijay Varma, Dia Mirza, Patralekhaa along with their director Anubhav Sinha got in conversation with MoneyControl about their upcoming series IC 814. They were thrown many questions about the series and one thing that came out was that it is beyond what Google can provide. Anubhav Sinha says the series is not about what happened but how it happened. Vijay Varma and Dia said it is a series to just watch the stalwarts of Indian cinema come together. Patralekhaa revealed how she made Anubhav sign her for this series and more. Watch the entire interview unfold.
#anubhavsinha #diamirza #patralekhaa #vijayvarma
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Watch video Meet Anubhav Sinha, Vijay Varma, Patralekhaa, Dia Mirza of 'IC 814: The Kandahar Hijack' online, duration hours minute second in high quality that is uploaded to the channel moneycontrol 01 January 1970. Share the link to the video on social media so that your subscribers and friends will also watch this video. This video clip has been viewed 2,574 times and liked it 29 visitors.