Querying OpenStreetMaps via API & Lazy Evaluation in Python | Real Python Podcast

Опубликовано: 10 Май 2024
на канале: Real Python

Would you like to get more practice working with APIs in Python? How about exploring the globe using the data from OpenStreetMap? Christopher Trudeau is back on the show this week, bringing another batch of PyCoder's Weekly articles and projects.

👉 Links from the show: https://realpython.com/podcasts/rpp/204/

We share an article from the Pybites blog about building queries using the Overpass API for OpenStreetMap. The post explores the data structures, tags, query formats, and how to use Overpass in Python.

Christopher discusses a Real Python article by recent guest Stephen Gruppetta about lazy evaluation in Python. The piece covers the advantages of generator expressions or functions and the potential disadvantages of using lazy versus eager evaluation methods.

We also share several other articles and projects from the Python community, including a news roundup, handling control-c in asyncio, preventing data leakage in pandas and scikit-learn, discussing the Django developer survey results, asking developers why they aren't shipping faster, using UV to install into isolated environments, and a couple of tools for retrying in Python.

This episode is sponsored by Sentry.


00:00:00 -- Introduction
00:02:33 -- PyPy v7.3.16 Release
00:02:54 -- PEP 745: Python 3.14 Release Schedule
00:03:31 -- The BASIC programming language turns 60
00:05:24 -- Asyncio Handle Control-C (SIGINT)
00:07:37 -- OpenStreetMaps, Overpass API and Python
00:11:53 -- What's Lazy Evaluation in Python?
00:16:10 -- Sponsor: Sentry
00:17:17 -- How to Prevent Data Leakage in pandas & scikit-learn
00:24:09 -- Django Developers Survey 2023 Results
00:33:07 -- Video Course Spotlight
00:34:21 -- I Asked 100 Devs Why They Aren't Shipping Faster?
00:47:03 -- pipxu: Install in Isolated Environments Using UV
00:49:05 -- tenacity: Retrying Library for Python
00:50:04 -- stamina: Production-Grade Retries for Python
00:52:00 -- Thanks and goodbye

👉 Links from the show: https://realpython.com/podcasts/rpp/204/